How much GI value?

How much is the GI value in LeanShake and Energy Bar?


  • Hello Ilidikó,

    We have come back to you with an answer from our house expert(s).  Please see their answer to your GI value below for our LeanShake and Energy Bars, respectively:

    • LeanShake - we do not have exact numbers for this product, but our LeanShake has a low GI and GL count (it is safe to use for diabetics).  The GI and GL glycemic indes and glycemic load describes how a food effects the blood sugar when you have eaten it. The GI and GL counts are very low in out LeanShake
    • Energy Bars - These also include a low GI index of 34.  Individual food classification for GI:  low 55 or lower, moderate 56-69, high 70+
    We hope this helps you, if not please come back to us and we will be happy to help you further.

    Best regards,

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